Female, 26, OD'd on the second floor

It's days like today that aren't worth getting up for. Days like today are days where tasks such as eating or sleeping or reading or learning or walking or standing or thinking all seem humdrum and menial. It's days like today that not much will get done besides watching multiple episodes of M*A*S*H and a lot of sighing. A day like today will undoubtedly stretch into several days of thin existence where I keep my guitar in drop D, but even music is a useless activity.

Cigarettes and coffee rip an empty stomach like a skewer.

Paramedics are an elite bunch. Or, at least they think they are. They strut around on their coffee breaks at the hospital, wearing their PARAMEDIC jackets and keeping their radios on nice and loud.
. . . apartment building, female, 26, OD'd on the second floor . . .

Windchill warning in effect (stay the fuck inside).
Blowing snow.
Low -32.
Windchill -48.

Alien Quadrilogy Update
Four Movies.
Nine Discs.
5.56% completed.

Halfway through Alien. In the opening scene 'ALIEN' slowly appears across the top of the screen, one letter stroke at a time. It allows you time to think about the word. Alien. Aiii-leeee-unnn. Alien. Something strange, something foreign, something we don't understand, usually drips green goo, a creature from outterspace. Or from across the Atlantic. Sigourney Weaver is kind of gross. She looks like a man. One could compare her role in the Alien series to Jamie Lee Curtis in the Halloween series. She looks like a man too. I think I even read somewhere that she was born a boy but had her/his penis cut out. I believe it. They both never really got any other good role and they both continued to star in their 1980s era horror series well into the 90s. T-6 days till I get my hands on Alien vs. Predator.
1 Books were burned:
ah yes . . . The Thing!
Throw one on the pile
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