Looks like I'm not the only one in a bad mood.
BBC reports The Worst Day of the Year.
Consistently the month of January leaves me on the verge of mental collapse. It happens every year. I enter this state of not wanting to do anything. I can't work, I can't study, I'm irritable and tired. The only thing that brings me around is loud music and a lot of alcohol. But with university being the unforgiving beast that it is, I don't even have time to go out. Or money to spend, for that matter. Constantly cold, breathing recycled air, stuck inside with the family, cabin fever, school stress, school debt, social stress, work stress, mental stress. You start to wonder what all of it is worth, why am I doing all of this, why does it matter. But you push on because you know better days are coming. But what does it matter. My feet are cold.
And then I hate myself for all this self-pity. Who cares. Twenty-six people died in Iraq yesterday where the death toll since invasion is over 100 000 and the Asian earthquake death toll is now 220 000. Some new pictures of Iraqi prisoner abuse have surfaced. Speaking of pictures, here's some great shots of a bunch a kids who just lost their parents to American machine guns: Shooting in Tal Afar.
It's the blind hope that a difference can be made that gives me reserve and patience.
BBC reports The Worst Day of the Year.
Consistently the month of January leaves me on the verge of mental collapse. It happens every year. I enter this state of not wanting to do anything. I can't work, I can't study, I'm irritable and tired. The only thing that brings me around is loud music and a lot of alcohol. But with university being the unforgiving beast that it is, I don't even have time to go out. Or money to spend, for that matter. Constantly cold, breathing recycled air, stuck inside with the family, cabin fever, school stress, school debt, social stress, work stress, mental stress. You start to wonder what all of it is worth, why am I doing all of this, why does it matter. But you push on because you know better days are coming. But what does it matter. My feet are cold.

And then I hate myself for all this self-pity. Who cares. Twenty-six people died in Iraq yesterday where the death toll since invasion is over 100 000 and the Asian earthquake death toll is now 220 000. Some new pictures of Iraqi prisoner abuse have surfaced. Speaking of pictures, here's some great shots of a bunch a kids who just lost their parents to American machine guns: Shooting in Tal Afar.
It's the blind hope that a difference can be made that gives me reserve and patience.
1 Books were burned:
Well, happy belated to you. yeah, January is a strange time of the year...
and as far as mr conservative, I sent him an email reply saying:
"At least we can agree that Cliton was no Democratic (the political form, not the party) saint."
Stay warm...by holding your hands over the steaming bloody bodies of asshole costumers, of course...
Throw one on the pile
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