
The Supreme Court Says Bush is President of Iraq

It is three o'clock in the morning. I am so incredibly tired. I have not slept more than five or six hours a night for the last week or so, many nights closer to two or three hours. By all means I should be dead asleep but I can not sleep. I have never experienced insomnia before, but this has got to be it. It is frustrating.

Apparantly the first democratic Iraqi election in fifty years was a success. That's really good. The media is full of pictures and moving stories of swarms of Iraqis braving the bloody messes that are the streets of Iraqi cities and towns to vote. Voter turnout was apparantly something like 60 percent which is higher than the last Canadian election. There appears to be a genuine movement by the Iraqis themselves to change their own country and start taking it back for themselves. I don't know what to say. Meanwhile, there was a riot in a jail in Iraq where four prisoners were shot and killed.

Apparantly what's going on in the Darfur isn't genocide, or so says the UN. But what does it matter. If you can even consider calling a situation genocide, or even if the situation includes 'genocidal' incidents and intentions, something has got to be done if at all possible. But no, let's just not call it genocide so that we don't have to do anything. Over 70 000 people have died and over 2 million have become homeless in Darfur in the last two years alone. Apparantly 70 000 dead isn't a cool enough number to legitimize an immediate action. Let's just let it spiral up for a little while more and then maybe we'll think about doing something about Sudan and it's 'genocidal' incidents.

Apparantly the King of Nepal, one King Gyanendra, has surrounded his country's government buildings and the prime minister's house with troops, cut phone lines and shut down the airport. He says the government didn't bring peace like they said they would and that he is assuming power. That's right, boys and girls, we got a coup. He plans to form a new cabinet.

Apparantly we've fucked up the environment. There's been a lot of side coverage in the news on rising global temperatures and thinning ozone layers lately. So you mean all those scientists who said we were screwing our global selves in our global asses were right?

Apparantly I'm going to try and sleep again.

Johnathan Rice

1 Books were burned:

Blogger One of the many said...

Thank you once again for informing me. Oh just a tip (one I used in encounters actaully because I couldn't handle the time changed and being forced to sleep) take a gravol when you want to sleep.

10:59 AM  

Throw one on the pile

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