Film Update March 20
So Constantine was pretty good. Keanu didn't really have to act, so that worked out well, although I can't really take him as a tough guy. It was alright in The Matrix because he didn't start off as a tough guy; he was the biggest computer nerd on the block. In this movie he walks around smashing demon skulls and lighting up a new cigarette in every scene. Anyway, the story is more or less good and the computer work and special effects are bang on. I found the way they portrayed heaven/hell/demons/angels was really cool. Good action.

One movie I have to recommened though is The Final Cut with Robin Williams and Jim Caviezel, on DVD this Tuesday. Robin Williams in a drama movie is always a little creepy (One Hour Photo?) and this movie is no exception. It's a sci-fi based in the near future where a chip has been invented that you plant in your child's head when they're born which keeps a video record of that person's entire life, through the eyes of that person. Once the person dies a 'cutter' takes the person's life and takes out pieces of the person's life and put together a video for a 'rememory'. Robin Williams plays the part of one of these cutters. Of course this procedure is highly controversial. For instance, if a person knows he/she has one of these implants then they will live their life differently than if they didn't know they had one. They make different choices. Which can be for the better if the person is motivated to make good choices but in the end it ends up controlling a person's life. It was an interesting look at something that hasn't really been discussed before but something along the lines of what's going to begin occurring sooner rather than later. Reality television is only the beginning.

One movie I have to recommened though is The Final Cut with Robin Williams and Jim Caviezel, on DVD this Tuesday. Robin Williams in a drama movie is always a little creepy (One Hour Photo?) and this movie is no exception. It's a sci-fi based in the near future where a chip has been invented that you plant in your child's head when they're born which keeps a video record of that person's entire life, through the eyes of that person. Once the person dies a 'cutter' takes the person's life and takes out pieces of the person's life and put together a video for a 'rememory'. Robin Williams plays the part of one of these cutters. Of course this procedure is highly controversial. For instance, if a person knows he/she has one of these implants then they will live their life differently than if they didn't know they had one. They make different choices. Which can be for the better if the person is motivated to make good choices but in the end it ends up controlling a person's life. It was an interesting look at something that hasn't really been discussed before but something along the lines of what's going to begin occurring sooner rather than later. Reality television is only the beginning.
1 Books were burned:
Robin Williams really IS creepy when he's doing anything other than comedy. Kind of a cool movie idea. I haven't heard of this movie, but then I'm out of the loop. Very much so.
Throw one on the pile
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