Thanks, Norm

I watched The Yes Men the other day. It's about these two anti-globalization activists who got the web domain and created a mock World Trade Organization site (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was the initial WTO) that looks nearly identical to the real one, except the information is completely different. They began receiving e-mails asking for representatives from the WTO to come and give talks at conferences around the world. They decided to accept some of these requests. It's quite amazing what they're able to pull off as they do their conferences and live television interviews as WTO representatives. The film itself doesn't have much information on world trade or the anti-globalization movement so it's kind of good to go into the movie knowing a little bit about what's going on.
I also watched Alfie over the weekend. It wasn't bad and Jude Law is a spectacular actor. Now when I say this I say this (and I'm stealing this line from Seinfeld, you know the one where Jerry gets the suede jacket with the pink pinstripe lining) I say it with an impeccable track record of staunch heterosexuality. Jude Law looks really good in this movie. He's got great hair.
I got a distant picture of Norman today. Norman works at the library and keeps phoning my house to tell me that my books are overdue. This is where Norman sits for much of the day, phoning students' houses and telling them to please bring back their library books. If it wasn't for Norman, the library wouldn't have any books at all, actually. He holds the place together. Thanks, Norm.

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