Dennis Has Brain Damage
I got sent outside at work today since the previous yard guy was a lazy fuck and got fired yesterday. Somehow being the inexperienced new guy, I got to leave the dusty factory shop and traded shovelling cement for moving the finished the product around the yard where the crane does all the lifting. It was very much like that scene in The Shawshank Redemption where Andy and Red get to tar the roof instead of carrying on with their menial tasks inside the prison. In fact, several of my coworkers have spent time in jail.
This job, although being a great physical workout, is numbing my brain due to the repetitive work, but also due to the people I work with. The first person I met when I got there was Dennis.Several years ago he fell of his snowmobile and cranked his head. Extending his hand, he introduced himself, "Hi, my name is Dennis. I have brain damage." Enough said.
Edit: Today I got the whole story. Poor Dennis was not driving a snowmobile but a four-wheeler when he received his head cranking. He was loaded one night and decided to take his four-wheeler to the beer vendor and rolled it. Again, enough said.
I must now retreat into my room and watch back episodes of The O.C.
This job, although being a great physical workout, is numbing my brain due to the repetitive work, but also due to the people I work with. The first person I met when I got there was Dennis.
I must now retreat into my room and watch back episodes of The O.C.

4 Books were burned:
so nice to have you back!
What does it say on that window?
I believe it says "Yuck who is that guy". Took that one while sitting at a red light.
Oh now I see it!
Throw one on the pile
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