
Through Which We Perpetually Swim

I don't really like being home and I've been doing a lot of thinking and planning and drinking. Woke up pretty shaky today.

What I do enjoy about being home is the access to media; to movies and music and to the news. Like most, I've been enveloped in the Katrina coverage. If you haven't heard what Kanye West had to say, check it out. I left this comment on Julia's blog on what I think:

"The situation in New Orleans is a testament to the follies of ourselves. A city of significant cultural and emotional value destroyed due to unpreparedness, a government so sluggish in its reaction that the city was allowed to sink into chaos, and a media so bloodthirsty that it has misconstrued the truth in the search of shocking images and rumors.

I often wonder what things would be like if the machine called Humanity would work at its full capacity instead of just pretending to do so. So often we are lying to ourselves."

Also, if you have an hour to kill, listen to Tony Pierce and Matt Good discuss Katrina and the aftermath here.

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