
In A World Called Catastrophe

The ongoing conflict in Iraq is, I believe, not entirely understood by most. I know it is not entirely understood by me. Iraq. Invasion. War. Terrorism. Bush. Hussein. Al Queda. Oil. September 11th. America. Elections. Sunni. Shia. Kurd. Iran. Offensive. Defensive. Insurgents. Stronghold. So many messages, so little broadcast time.

The entire country is run rampant with violence and ideological hatred and if there was a posterboy for the backward nature of current times, Iraq would be it. It's the focal point for many activists on the right and the left, just because it so controversial. There is much to say and much to argue over. I believe it's just one big bloody mess.

Around the world there are people on their knees. They are afraid, they are hungry, they are sick, and some of them are right pissed off. The All-Mighty Dollar rules the day and so often it is soaked in tears and blood, a common currency among the powerful. AIDS. Proliferation. Disease. Debt. Starvation. Genocide. Human Rights. Conflict. Overpopulation. Water. Globalization. Racism. Hegemony. Poverty. So many messages, so little broadcast time.

This blog seems to have lost purpose.

Matt Good had an inspiring post today, which I would encourage you to read.

5 Books were burned:

Blogger Orus said...

Isn't this always the way of things...?

When listening to and reading Matthew Good's comments, one is inclined to believe that there is hope for us.

He's like a father to us, isn't he? Or something...

1:31 AM  
Blogger David! said...

Refer to my post on Brett's blog.

Fuck. Somehow i've been conditioned to think talking about politics like this is pretentious. Everytime I want to say something like I did on Brett's blog, I feel like an uppity bastard.
I don't know why.

5:44 PM  
Blogger James said...

Dave, all I have to say is, It's Complicated.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am always enlightened by your posts and wherever else they lead me. Your blog has not lost purpose. Thank you.

7:38 PM  
Blogger *jules said...

'Lost purpose'?
This blog is what inspired me to get on blogger on the first place. What you have to say is poignant and relevant, and as for me, I love it. I sincerely enjoy hearing what you've got to say.

So cheer up, mister. Please?

11:01 PM  

Throw one on the pile

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