You're My Favourite Single-Serving Friend
How many times can you be fretfully inspired to make a difference only to have that inspiration dissipate an hour, a day, or a week later by the realization that not doing anything makes things a whole lot easier? At what point do you either start keeping your self-promises and your goals that you frantically wrote down on a restaurant napkin, or just forget about it and ignore those moments altogether?
3 Books were burned:
I'd be rich or content had I written down every good idea that popped into my head.
The best ones happen when I wake up from a dream, but then they're lost when I fall back asleep.
The point at which you start listening to your ideas is the point where you're tired of living how everyone else lives, and strive for something only you can imagine.
[Insert cheesy Disney ending here]
All I can say, is don't give up. At least you are inspired to make a difference. You can't ignore it.
i find that making a list of personal goals only ingrains those goals in my brain- so that even if i throw all those little damned notes away, they are still there, in the back of my mind, reminding me that there is work to be done.
press on...
Throw one on the pile
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