Another post of useless proportions.
Furthering the narcissistic endeavour that is the personal blogosphere.

Alright now I'm quickly becoming supremely pissed off.
1) I already wrote this post but my internet fucked up and now I have to do it again and it's not going to be as good because it never is the second time.
2) I bought a shirt and it was eighty percent cotton so I bought it extra large because I knew it was going to shrink in the wash. Which it did. It angers me enough that I have to think about this in the first place, if I try on a shirt and it fits then that should be it. It should fit and I should be happy with it until I wear it so many times that it falls off my body. So it shrank once, and it fit fine. I was proud of myself, thinking ahead, buying it extra large so that it would fit after the first wash. But then it shrunk AGAIN. For fuck's sake. Now it's not even comfortable anymore. I feel like I got ripped off cause now I'm not going to wear this shirt anymore.
3) Sociology midterm tomorrow. Fuck that.
4) Haven't smoked in seven days and now I'm itching.
5) I hate my family.
6) Girls hate me.
7) I have to find a summer job.
8) I'm complaining about all this shit and I hate people who complain, which means I hate myself, which is usually the case, so you can imagine that doesn't bode well for Self-Self relations.
Edit: 9) I've republished this post five times because I keep finding spelling errors.
Now for a rehash of the post I wrote ten minutes ago:
On the drive to the bus stop this morning a school bus came to a stop on the opposite side of the street from us and an SUV went around to pass it and just at the same time the bus driver put out the side stop sign and it took off the SUV's sideview mirror, sending it flying across the street. I was all like 'Ohhh shit' and the SUV stopped and a woman got out and she was waving her arms at the bus driver and screaming and that was all I saw. What a bitch. I hope she gets the 450 dollar fine for passing a stopped school bus too. Teach her.
Talked to Archie, my old manager from McDonald's, today. He quit now too, going back to school. I miss my McDonald's days. Shitty, shitty job, you get absolutely no respect but we had a lot of fun, work was our playground. We wasted a lot of company hours, company food and company product, did a lot of dumb shit. Set a lot of things on fire, built a catapult and launched toys across the parking lot at the IGA. During those long summer overnight shifts we'd climb up on the roof and smoke various substances and throw eggs at busses. We never did get the catapult on the roof. Too bad. McDonald's is a great place to get ripped because there's enough food to quench anybody's munchies. It's also a great place to get drunk, you got an array of different drink flavours to mix with. It's still a well-kept secret to this day who put that hole in the wall in the crew room. We moved the memo board over it and made a pact never to tell anybody. They only found it long after I was gone. I'll never forget the time Liam splashed cleaning alcohol in his eyes and ran around screaming "Emergency eye wash! Emergency eye wash!" Good times, I miss them. Work isn't fun like that anymore.
shut the fuck up she said i'm going fucking deaf you're always too loud you're fucking too loud
Been listening to blink-182 all day. I love the part where they go "na na na, nana na na, nana na na na naaa". Where would the world be without Dude Ranch. Or Enema of the State. Nowhere, that is, we'd all be lost. At least I would be.

The Church of Latter-Day Saints left a picture of Jesus in one of the rental returns at work yesterday. Gee, thanks guys.

I love this girl. She reminds me of my own church. And my dad.
jingoism: cheap, aggressive nationalism

Alright now I'm quickly becoming supremely pissed off.
1) I already wrote this post but my internet fucked up and now I have to do it again and it's not going to be as good because it never is the second time.
2) I bought a shirt and it was eighty percent cotton so I bought it extra large because I knew it was going to shrink in the wash. Which it did. It angers me enough that I have to think about this in the first place, if I try on a shirt and it fits then that should be it. It should fit and I should be happy with it until I wear it so many times that it falls off my body. So it shrank once, and it fit fine. I was proud of myself, thinking ahead, buying it extra large so that it would fit after the first wash. But then it shrunk AGAIN. For fuck's sake. Now it's not even comfortable anymore. I feel like I got ripped off cause now I'm not going to wear this shirt anymore.
3) Sociology midterm tomorrow. Fuck that.
4) Haven't smoked in seven days and now I'm itching.
5) I hate my family.
6) Girls hate me.
7) I have to find a summer job.
8) I'm complaining about all this shit and I hate people who complain, which means I hate myself, which is usually the case, so you can imagine that doesn't bode well for Self-Self relations.
Edit: 9) I've republished this post five times because I keep finding spelling errors.
Now for a rehash of the post I wrote ten minutes ago:
On the drive to the bus stop this morning a school bus came to a stop on the opposite side of the street from us and an SUV went around to pass it and just at the same time the bus driver put out the side stop sign and it took off the SUV's sideview mirror, sending it flying across the street. I was all like 'Ohhh shit' and the SUV stopped and a woman got out and she was waving her arms at the bus driver and screaming and that was all I saw. What a bitch. I hope she gets the 450 dollar fine for passing a stopped school bus too. Teach her.
Talked to Archie, my old manager from McDonald's, today. He quit now too, going back to school. I miss my McDonald's days. Shitty, shitty job, you get absolutely no respect but we had a lot of fun, work was our playground. We wasted a lot of company hours, company food and company product, did a lot of dumb shit. Set a lot of things on fire, built a catapult and launched toys across the parking lot at the IGA. During those long summer overnight shifts we'd climb up on the roof and smoke various substances and throw eggs at busses. We never did get the catapult on the roof. Too bad. McDonald's is a great place to get ripped because there's enough food to quench anybody's munchies. It's also a great place to get drunk, you got an array of different drink flavours to mix with. It's still a well-kept secret to this day who put that hole in the wall in the crew room. We moved the memo board over it and made a pact never to tell anybody. They only found it long after I was gone. I'll never forget the time Liam splashed cleaning alcohol in his eyes and ran around screaming "Emergency eye wash! Emergency eye wash!" Good times, I miss them. Work isn't fun like that anymore.
shut the fuck up she said i'm going fucking deaf you're always too loud you're fucking too loud
Been listening to blink-182 all day. I love the part where they go "na na na, nana na na, nana na na na naaa". Where would the world be without Dude Ranch. Or Enema of the State. Nowhere, that is, we'd all be lost. At least I would be.

The Church of Latter-Day Saints left a picture of Jesus in one of the rental returns at work yesterday. Gee, thanks guys.

I love this girl. She reminds me of my own church. And my dad.
jingoism: cheap, aggressive nationalism
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