There's Always Drinks and Dancing In the Rubble.

Coming up, a three post special on Matthew Good, including thoughts on the two Winnipeg sets, a personal editorial on how his work has affected me, and a belated review of In A Coma.
For the meantime, due to several factors, I seem to have gone on a creative binge and I feel like a man juggling chainsaws where each toss gives me a new rush of adrenaline and ideas. As depressing as spending 40 hours a week in a dark, dusty factory sounds, it gives me a lot of time to think. Yes, I've got ideas for short films, short stories, novels, musical endevours and all sorts of acts of human expression and/or stupidity.
One idea: I've mentioned this before, on here in writing and in passing conversation, that the first step for solving problems and understanding situations is to be aware of the problem or situation. I believe this ignorance to be a severe epidemic among modern society, myself included. Obviously, not every person is going to be a scholar or a historical academic, but how difficult is it to glance at the headlines once a day? So, to once again utilize the blogosphere for constructive purposes, I propose a blog something along the lines of this, where a group of bloggers post headlines that they found interesting or important along with the source and short description in their own words. They don't have to be incredibly serious or follow any specific topic guidelines, and can be local or global. Regular, even daily, posts would be recommended as it would give individuals incentive to be constantly in tune with newsmedia, ie) the world around them. There would also be an push for comments, discussion and analyzing source and bias.
Comments please, on whether or not this a good idea (if it's not, let me know and I'll abandon it), and if there are any parties interested in taking part.
4 Books were burned:
I'm quite interested, but you probably knew that didn't you?
Hah, I haven't even reviewed In A Coma either. I don't know if I will though.
I like it. You already keep me up to date with whats going on in the world.
Anybody else beside Brett.
The Matt Good show in Thunder Bay was stellar as per usual. I think his live show is improving more and more each time I see him. All in all I took over 200 pics from the front row so I'll be posting more asap.
I like the look of this blog man, nice job.
Throw one on the pile
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