More Transactions, More Bullshit

The end of life. The start of MORE.
I just got word that American Central Intelligence is going to fund my terrorist group. They're giving me an arsenal of RPGs, Kalashnikovs, mortars and varied explosives, along with a handful of CIA officers to train my minions and a cool million in spending money. They even said they would give me air cover if I really need it. As long as I get a 747 into the Eiffel Tower, they said. Of course in about twenty years they'll use me and my totalitarian regime as an excuse to start a new war, The War on Terror Two. Then I will hide in the Rockies and become a violent hermit with my friend Brett. We'll grow beards and shoot small animals with rocket propelled grenades. After laying low for a while, we'll send letters stuffed with anthrax to government offices and the Hanson brothers. Then we'll go into hiding again and shoot more bunnies and chipmunks. We'll stay under even longer this time before resurfacing with an ambitious attack on the White House which will involve a trebuchet and a barrel of burning dog shit.
1 Books were burned:
And we'll give words of wisdom to any passers-by, right before we pump full o' metal. And we'll videotape it all.
Throw one on the pile
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