Film Update 03.22.05
Just finished watching Following, a Hitchcock-style noir from director Christopher Nolan, the guy behind Memento. It's his debut feature film that opened strongly at a number of film festivals and harbors some of the directing and writing style that made Memento the stunning success that it is. It's about a guy who likes to follow people. One day it turns out the guy he's following is actually a professional burglar and together they start breaking into people's apartments but we soon begin to realize things aren't quite as they seem. The movie jumps back and forth chronologically, but not nearly to the extent Nolan does in Memento, and the black and white gives the film real character.

Also, Finding Neverland. Just incredible, a drama that will blow you out of the water, especially for anybody who enjoys writing or wants to be a writer. Johnny Depp has proven once again that he is one of the best actors alive.

Also, Finding Neverland. Just incredible, a drama that will blow you out of the water, especially for anybody who enjoys writing or wants to be a writer. Johnny Depp has proven once again that he is one of the best actors alive.
1 Books were burned:
following is one of my favorites since i saw it a long while back. i should rent it again. strangely, i have not seen memento.
haven't seen finding neverland yet.
Throw one on the pile
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