I'll leave you with this.

Somewhere there exists an underground community that exists through thought and word and art. They are a physical mass, yes, for they are beings, but a physical force they are not, rather a mental and perhaps spiritual collective, those who believe not in a store-bought way of living, but rather in art; rough, jagged and raw. They are musicians, writers, painters and thinkers. They deal with all mediums of art and mind and they manifest themselves from all walks of life. Together they form the backbone of mankind, together they persevere through the sleepless nights and the daily hardships that occur at both ends of the global capitalist spectrum, and together they will eat away at what is wrong with humanity just as what is wrong with humanity has eaten away at everything else.

Somewhere there exists an underground community that exists through thought and word and art. They are a physical mass, yes, for they are beings, but a physical force they are not, rather a mental and perhaps spiritual collective, those who believe not in a store-bought way of living, but rather in art; rough, jagged and raw. They are musicians, writers, painters and thinkers. They deal with all mediums of art and mind and they manifest themselves from all walks of life. Together they form the backbone of mankind, together they persevere through the sleepless nights and the daily hardships that occur at both ends of the global capitalist spectrum, and together they will eat away at what is wrong with humanity just as what is wrong with humanity has eaten away at everything else.
1 Books were burned:
words of hope
[dreamlike picture]
Throw one on the pile
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