
Perhaps a Project

I have an idea for a writing project, a multi-part quasi-futuristic fantasy adventure that is not overly complicated in its plot but very character driven. It involves conspiracies and revolutions, secret organizations and dark men hiding in shadows. There will be big guns and big heroes; spies in trenchcoats, assassins with night-vision goggles, cigarette smoking mercenaries and government biotechnology projects gone horribly wrong. There will also be an underlying love story, but not in the usual sense.

And I want Jules to do the illustrations.

3 Books were burned:

Blogger One of the many said...

I look forward to reading more about this.

7:57 PM  
Blogger *jules said...

You can count on me, sir.

crap, now i'm all excited and stuff :D

10:39 PM  
Blogger James said...

I'll get a start on a possible first installment over the next few days. My work schedule is tight.

11:10 PM  

Throw one on the pile

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