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I have an idea for a four or five part concept work, not quite a novel, more of a collection of conversations, moments, ideas and an underlying narrative.

I've wanted to be a writer since grade nine. My grade nine English teacher changed my life. I wrote a sixty page short novel in grade nine called The Torcan Factor about a guy who gets transported to a different world. I worked on it for two weeks straight and more or less forgot about everything else, including things like school, eating, sleeping and television. I was never not thinking about the story and where the characters were going next. At school I planned out the next chapters on my binders and on the back of algebra sheets. I dreamed about Vikings. I realized I was most happy when I was writing, creating and developing storylines and characters.

The main character was Marek and he came across a city of Viking-like people who were in trouble and under imminent siege from a reptilian race called the Torcs. Marek leaves the city with a band of fierce Viking warriors on a journey to slay the leader of the Torcs.

That summer I embarked on another idea for a book called The Whiterock Experiment. I worked on it in pieces over summer and throughout grade ten and eventually abandoned it. I wrote 120 pages for this one and I figured I was just about half finished.

This story was about a government genetic experiment gone horribly wrong where a half-man, half-shark escapes. Years later a resort goes up where the experiment had taken place and returning home from its migratory travels the sharkman wrecks havoc on the resort. The story had so many character I kept getting confused.

Writing is art is life is release.

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