City Hopping
Seriously who hits on an eleven anyway . . .
So Emac came home from Ottawa for his reading week but my reading week was last week and I was in Vancouver and this week I have school but I won't be at school because I leave for DC in six hours. Driving was fucking stupid today cause it's been snowing all day and the streets are slick as fuck. I took Wilms to the library so that I could find books on terrorism and the United Nations and then we went to Moxies to meet up with Emac. Popcorn shrimp is expensive. Eric was like "There's these two hot Asian girls in dorm and I'm half Asian and I talked to them and I want to do them both at the same time" and I told him that he should go for it but to make sure that they weren't twenty-seven and didn't have Columbian husbands.

Then we went to the casino and I played like a fucktard and lost my twenty dollars. Saw Manuel and Amy there and I talked to him about tree planting this summer and he called some guy from Steinbach and we're supposed to send our resumes to him to go planting in BC from May to August. Said we'll probably make 7 but some first years have made up to 12. Sounds like Wilms is backing out and would rather stay at home and work at McDonald's all summer. Whatever floats your boat, buddy. Never thought the day would come when I'd be sharing smokes with Eric.

We came back to my house and played Super Smash Brothers and talked about high school and yearbooks and ex-girlfriends and stealing bowling balls. Then we played random songs on my guitar and then Emac played Paranoid Android and I realized again that I suck at guitar.

I watched I (Heart) Huckabees yesterday. Check it out, it's about crazy people and psychology and petroleum and urban sprawl and corporate consumerism. Watch for Mark Wahlberg's character. That's how I feel like. There was some cool imagry with these little boxes that takes people apart.

I have to be up in under five hours. I still have to pack. Why the hell am I posting.
So Emac came home from Ottawa for his reading week but my reading week was last week and I was in Vancouver and this week I have school but I won't be at school because I leave for DC in six hours. Driving was fucking stupid today cause it's been snowing all day and the streets are slick as fuck. I took Wilms to the library so that I could find books on terrorism and the United Nations and then we went to Moxies to meet up with Emac. Popcorn shrimp is expensive. Eric was like "There's these two hot Asian girls in dorm and I'm half Asian and I talked to them and I want to do them both at the same time" and I told him that he should go for it but to make sure that they weren't twenty-seven and didn't have Columbian husbands.

Then we went to the casino and I played like a fucktard and lost my twenty dollars. Saw Manuel and Amy there and I talked to him about tree planting this summer and he called some guy from Steinbach and we're supposed to send our resumes to him to go planting in BC from May to August. Said we'll probably make 7 but some first years have made up to 12. Sounds like Wilms is backing out and would rather stay at home and work at McDonald's all summer. Whatever floats your boat, buddy. Never thought the day would come when I'd be sharing smokes with Eric.

We came back to my house and played Super Smash Brothers and talked about high school and yearbooks and ex-girlfriends and stealing bowling balls. Then we played random songs on my guitar and then Emac played Paranoid Android and I realized again that I suck at guitar.

I watched I (Heart) Huckabees yesterday. Check it out, it's about crazy people and psychology and petroleum and urban sprawl and corporate consumerism. Watch for Mark Wahlberg's character. That's how I feel like. There was some cool imagry with these little boxes that takes people apart.

I have to be up in under five hours. I still have to pack. Why the hell am I posting.
3 Books were burned:
Haha! Yeah, he should check in on their age and marital know how that goes.
Dude, I should go treeplanting with you.
And have a good time down in DC. Kick some ass.
Every time someone else plays my guitar, I realize it isn't broken after all.
i heart huckabees! yes, it's a good one.
Throw one on the pile
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